This site has been up for a few months now, and I’ve decided to kick it up another gear. Starting this week, The Superpower Union will be updating every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Plus I will be doing a blog update on Tuesday and Thursday, meaning there is something new on the site every weekday!

I’ll continue to update The Bookshelf on Thursdays, and this is the first in a semi-regular post chronicling my start in webcomics; something I’m going to call Adventures in Cartooning or Things I Wish I Knew 4 Months Ago.  I know I’m by no means a professional, but I thought this would be a good place to spread the word about resources I’ve found for anybody out there that may be starting out just like me.

And our first stop on our adventure is with one of the best books about comics I’ve ever come across: How to Make Webcomics.  Written by Brad Guigar, Dave Kellet, Scott Kurtz and Kris Straub, the book focuses on all the parts of webcomics that don’t have anything to do with drawing. This is a terrific resource, and for the low cost, its well worth picking up. I strongly recommend reading this before you start up your site, as you may come across a few things, or ideas, that need to be addressed on your site, and its far easier to do this from the beginning instead of going back over all your previous posts and editing in new features. Trust me, its easier to do it one at a time instead of spending all day updating 30+ strips!