I really like the background work I’ve done on this part of the story. I have a lot more free time on my hands now that I’m unemployed, so I’ve been able to put some more work into the strips. I think it really steps up the quality!

↓ Transcript
1 - (A portal opens in a flaming city, and Cat steps out)
Bob: Coast City, 0423 hours. Our intrepit Heroes are investigating a distress call...
Cat: Thanks Bob. Gate Keeper, what are we looking at here?

2 - (Cut to Gate Keeper in front of a monitor back at Headquarters)
Gate Keeper: We've got a giant monster terrorizing the downtown area! It appears to be under some ind of outside control!

3 - (Cut back to Coast City, where Cat has beaten up a local)
Cat: Uh, so the threat isn't this guy?
Local Guy: Please stop punching me...