Big Brain

Big Brain
Real Name: Unknown
Aliases: BB
Home Base: Currently Victory City; Previously Undisclosed
First Appearance: Shown
Union Membership: Big Brain is considered a member of the union’s Reserves, and as such belongs to no team
Abilities: Advanced intelligence; Visible brain is capable of causing disgust in those near him
Classification: Big Brains superior intelligence allows him to be a Scientist class hero
History: Big Brain comes from a planet of highly intelligent creatures, but he always had his eye on being something more. He came to Victory City at a young age to attend the Victory City Community College, where he majored in Exo-Suits and minored in Hypothetical Energy Sources. After graduation, BB jumped around to various jobs, including a stint in the union’s R&D Department. Big Brain is currently serving as a reservist until he can get a full-time spot on a team.
Case Files: None
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