

Real Name: Unrevealed
Aliases: None
Home Base: Currently deep space
First Appearance: Smash: An Origin Story
Union Status: Nova Skull is at large, and considered a low-level threat to the union
Abilities: Burns with the heat of a Super-Nova; Skilled engineer; Extremely insane
Arsenal: Power containment suit; Nova-drones
Classification: Nova Skull’s powers and background in engineering would classify him as both a Scientist and a Meta-human

History: Nova Skull was an engineer on the smuggling ship The Skipper. After a science experiment gone wrong, Nova Skull gained superhuman abilities but slowly became more unhinged. When the crew of The Skipper decided to stop their thieving ways, the captain Kota and his first mate Abe turned Nova Skull over to the inter-galactic authorities. A brief run-in years later with Smash led to his ship being disabled. He is rumored to still be at large in deep space.

Recommended Reading:
Smash: An Origin Story
