Only room for one Cat in this town!

↓ Transcript
1 - (A small boy with a rocket pack sits in a chair)
Rocket Ralphie: I don't have any experience but my mommy says...
Cat (Off Frame): Next!

2 - (A massive robot looms overhead)
Compu-Bot: Compu-Bot will not work weekends. Compu-Bot will not do heavy lifting. Compu-Bot will only refer to self in third-person.
Cat (Off Frame): Next!

3 - (A woman dressed as a cat sits in the chair)
Catwoman: I...
Cat (Off Frame): NEXT!

4 - (The Super Human Resources rep glares at Cat)
SHR Rep: What was wrong with that last one?
Cat: Dunno. Just didn't like the way she looked.